Sunday, April 18, 2010

Better Know a Weapon Part 7- Lance


For the final installment of "Better Know a Weapon"...I bring you The Lance. 

The Lance is the most defensively geared weapon-type available. With your weapon drawn your movement is very slow but your shield is huge and can block most incoming attacks. The lanceman (or lance woman) can only  dodge left or right after attacking, and can only jump back (B) with the lance at rest. So, unlike some of the other weapon types in Monster Hunter Tri, this setup encourages you to stay right up in a monster's face block its  attacks, and be read to deal huge jabs when the time is right. Note that the blocking ability of the shield is not perfect; you loose a little bit of life and stamina with every block and some monster's attack (such as the Jaggi's tail whip) can sometimes reach around your defense, though far less so than with any other weapon.

(sorry the formatting gets a little off here. I can't seem to get any changes to stick)
"X" draws your weapon while standing. Pressing "X" while running equips your weapon and delivers a quick forward jab. X+A while running will draw your lance and shield and quickly to  put you in a defensive position. Press "A" for a high thrust (great for those flying critters) and "X" for a forward thrust. Both "A" and "X" moves can be chained together with the proper timing into a three hit combo (XAX for forward, high, forward, or AAA for high, high, high, etc). Press "B" and your character will hop back (or dodge left and right after an attack)...good for escaping a monster's close attacks or to position yourself for the next hit. "X and A" together will yield a wide horizontal sweep, which doesn't do much damage but is great for clearing the area of little guys. Pressing the "+" button will trigger a running lance-charge fueled by stamina.

Blocking is the name of the game.
Hold "R" with the lance drawn to block with your huge shield. While blocking, "X" will give you a quick forward jab and "A" will start a powerful charged high-thrust (that's what she said). Be careful though, as while charging you are vulnerable. You can creep around with your shield drawn, though slowly.

If you time your attacks and blocks properly you'll never need to leave the monster's hit zone and can keep up in it's face dealing the damage. The lance is a weapon that I found awkward at first, but a hunter willing to get to know it's ins and outs is a force to be reckoned with!

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