Now that I have a lot of Longsword experience under my belt, I thought it best to update my original weapons guide.So the big idea here is the more you cut the stronger it gets and then you unleash your built up energy in a flurry of attacks. Basic combo is overhead slash,thrust, rising slash (X A X). The Long Sword (LS) also has an evasive slash to make up for it's lack of blocking ability, with the wiimote/nunchuck combo or CC (Classic Controller) set to attack with the right stick you can control which direction you dodge after your slash with twist of the wrist or flick of the thumb. Setup 1 with the CC only had a backwards dodge that is executed with X+A, however if you are mid combo you can use X+A and a direction press of the stick to control your direction. The LS has an infinite combo in X A X X, just keep repeating and you'll get that guage filled in no time.
The the spirit gauge will fill up and glow red at it's peak this is the time to unleash a spirity combo by repeatedly hitting R on the CC, the spirit combo has a unique trait in that it will not bounce off a monster regardless of sharpness. This combo has a tremendous amount of power behind it and each slash can do 120% of normal damage and end with your weapon being sheathed There are 3 levels to your charge, white, yellow and red. The first two will remain until you die or progress to the next level while the third red level where you get the 120% increase is only temporary but you can increase the time it is available by connecting with the final blow of a spirit combo. To extend the spirit combo you can alternate R and X for what can be a 12 hit combo and will happen very quickly, excellent for an incapacitated monster.
The running speed while the weapon is out is faster than the Great Sword and falls in pretty close to the middle as far as all weapons are concerned. The attack speed is fairly quick with good reach and the evasive slash can be combed into from any attack giving it good mobility.
Happy Hunting.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Zero Punctuation Reviews Monster Hunter Tri
Looks like Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw of Zero Punctuation got his hands on a copy of Monster Hunter Tri. If you've never seen one of his reviews be warned, they are not safe for work (strong and crass language) though ultimately hilarious and clever. Can't say he's a fan of the game, but games he actually admires are few and far between so I'll take it.
Looks like Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw of Zero Punctuation got his hands on a copy of Monster Hunter Tri. If you've never seen one of his reviews be warned, they are not safe for work (strong and crass language) though ultimately hilarious and clever. Can't say he's a fan of the game, but games he actually admires are few and far between so I'll take it.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Monster Hunter Tri Music
The creators of Monster Hunter 3 certainly have a handle on what makes a game feel epic. The environments are beautiful and sweeping, the weapons are ridiculous, the monsters are crazy huge, and the sense of accomplishment after a well fought hunt is palpable. Its good to know then that all of these characteristics are backed up by a score of music just as epic.
You can always count on the music to really set the mood in Monster Hunter Tri, whether you are walking out across a huge sandy plain, wandering into your village farm, or encountering a formidable beast in the Flooded Forest.
YouTube user Tristya has posted much of the Tri Soundtrack on his/her channel. Check it out to listen to what I'm talking about. I wonder if this will ever make it to CD, like another one of my favorite games did?: Shadow of the Colossus (a game I think Monster Hunter Tri takes a cue or two from).
The creators of Monster Hunter 3 certainly have a handle on what makes a game feel epic. The environments are beautiful and sweeping, the weapons are ridiculous, the monsters are crazy huge, and the sense of accomplishment after a well fought hunt is palpable. Its good to know then that all of these characteristics are backed up by a score of music just as epic.
You can always count on the music to really set the mood in Monster Hunter Tri, whether you are walking out across a huge sandy plain, wandering into your village farm, or encountering a formidable beast in the Flooded Forest.
YouTube user Tristya has posted much of the Tri Soundtrack on his/her channel. Check it out to listen to what I'm talking about. I wonder if this will ever make it to CD, like another one of my favorite games did?: Shadow of the Colossus (a game I think Monster Hunter Tri takes a cue or two from).
Monster Hunter,
Monster Hunter Tri,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Custom Monster Hunter Tri Gear
Capcom has partnered with online apparel creator to make customizable designs for T-shirts, mugs, gifts, and more bearing the Capcom (legal) seal of approval. Specifically for us, that means Monster Hunter Tri logos and images on some pretty cool shirts, shot-glasses, posters and the like.
Check out the site for a huge collection of snazzy Monster Hunter Tri-themed clothes and trinkets. It's really fun to browse around. What is your favorite? Now, if only they'd make t-shirts that look like your favorite armor set!
Capcom has partnered with online apparel creator to make customizable designs for T-shirts, mugs, gifts, and more bearing the Capcom (legal) seal of approval. Specifically for us, that means Monster Hunter Tri logos and images on some pretty cool shirts, shot-glasses, posters and the like.
Check out the site for a huge collection of snazzy Monster Hunter Tri-themed clothes and trinkets. It's really fun to browse around. What is your favorite? Now, if only they'd make t-shirts that look like your favorite armor set!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Better Know a Monster: Royal Ludroth
The Royal Ludroth, while not an abnormally difficult monster himself, can prove to be quite challenging the first couple of times around since he marks your first underwater battle. Personally, I find him much easier to fight on land than in the water since he seems to become more maneuverable and faster underwater, but the Monster Hunter should know how to fight him in any terrain.
On land he has a multitude of attacks to be aware of: A belly flop, jumping dive, a curling bite, a roll, a spitting water charge, and a biting lunge. (Did I miss any). Most of these just need to be observed to be avoided, but here are a few tips. If he does the curling bite and missed you, get ready to dodge because it is followed up by a powerful tail-flick. When he rears up to roll stand right by his tail and 9 out of 10 times the roll will miss you. Stay to the left and right of him as much as possible to avoid his belly-flop and charges, attacking his mane and tail. He will sometimes spit water globs at you that if hit, will cause water-blight. Also avoid the ground-plumes that result from these globs hitting the ground as they will do the same. He will usually charge 2 or 3 different directions while spitting water, so steer clear until he's done with this attack or you'll be bowled over.
In the water, stay high, near his head and attack the head and mane. Watch out for his charges and dodge to avoid, and for his claw-swipes as he turns to face you.
His weak points are the mane and tail, both of which are pretty large targets so have at it! His tail can even be cut off and carved from, and his mane broken (which sometimes gives you "quality sponge" as a quest reward). He's weak to fire, so bring the appropriate elemental weapon if you have one, or bring plenty of fire ammo if you are using the bowgun. Thunder and Ice will also deal extra damage, though not as much as fire. Good luck brave hunter! The R. Ludroth is but a taste of aquatic beasts to come.
The Royal Ludroth, while not an abnormally difficult monster himself, can prove to be quite challenging the first couple of times around since he marks your first underwater battle. Personally, I find him much easier to fight on land than in the water since he seems to become more maneuverable and faster underwater, but the Monster Hunter should know how to fight him in any terrain.
On land he has a multitude of attacks to be aware of: A belly flop, jumping dive, a curling bite, a roll, a spitting water charge, and a biting lunge. (Did I miss any). Most of these just need to be observed to be avoided, but here are a few tips. If he does the curling bite and missed you, get ready to dodge because it is followed up by a powerful tail-flick. When he rears up to roll stand right by his tail and 9 out of 10 times the roll will miss you. Stay to the left and right of him as much as possible to avoid his belly-flop and charges, attacking his mane and tail. He will sometimes spit water globs at you that if hit, will cause water-blight. Also avoid the ground-plumes that result from these globs hitting the ground as they will do the same. He will usually charge 2 or 3 different directions while spitting water, so steer clear until he's done with this attack or you'll be bowled over.
In the water, stay high, near his head and attack the head and mane. Watch out for his charges and dodge to avoid, and for his claw-swipes as he turns to face you.
His weak points are the mane and tail, both of which are pretty large targets so have at it! His tail can even be cut off and carved from, and his mane broken (which sometimes gives you "quality sponge" as a quest reward). He's weak to fire, so bring the appropriate elemental weapon if you have one, or bring plenty of fire ammo if you are using the bowgun. Thunder and Ice will also deal extra damage, though not as much as fire. Good luck brave hunter! The R. Ludroth is but a taste of aquatic beasts to come.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Video Review from Gamespot
Here is another video review of Monster Hunter Tri, this time from Gamespot. Their favorite part of the game, understandably, is the online play.
"It has a great sense of adventure, and this cool aura of authenticity about it. Giant angler fish with spikes and huge lizards wouldn't be easy to take down...and so it is in Monster Hunter Tri. You're in unfriendly territory here, and I mean that in a good way."
Here is another video review of Monster Hunter Tri, this time from Gamespot. Their favorite part of the game, understandably, is the online play.
"It has a great sense of adventure, and this cool aura of authenticity about it. Giant angler fish with spikes and huge lizards wouldn't be easy to take down...and so it is in Monster Hunter Tri. You're in unfriendly territory here, and I mean that in a good way."
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Ironbeard Bloopers
I really like the humorous angle that Capcom and Nintendo have taken with the promotional spots for Monster Hunter Tri. I enjoy the little-bit campy, but always in-character Ironbeard McCullough and his interaction with passers by. Here's a little treat for those who've enjoyed him too. Some Ironbeard bloopers.
I really like the humorous angle that Capcom and Nintendo have taken with the promotional spots for Monster Hunter Tri. I enjoy the little-bit campy, but always in-character Ironbeard McCullough and his interaction with passers by. Here's a little treat for those who've enjoyed him too. Some Ironbeard bloopers.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Dressed to Kill
Next to weapons and giant creatures, armor is one of my favorite things about Monster Hunter. Armor comes with it's own defense rating, resists against elemental attacks, skills, and sometimes slots for decorations.
When choosing skills it's important to remember that most require atleast 10 points in them before they will activate, this is key because it works for both good skills and ones that have a negative impact on your character. For example Barroth armor set has a Critical Eye -1 which will lower your chance for critical hits, a single expert gem in a decoration slot will remove that debuff, granting you normal critical hits again.
Armor defense helps against all the physical attacks that monsters have while the resists will lessen the damage received from an elemental attack like Qurupecco's flint fire or Royal Ludroth's water bubbles. Balancing all these needs is extremely important for the successful hunter. Happy Hunting!
Next to weapons and giant creatures, armor is one of my favorite things about Monster Hunter. Armor comes with it's own defense rating, resists against elemental attacks, skills, and sometimes slots for decorations.

Armor defense helps against all the physical attacks that monsters have while the resists will lessen the damage received from an elemental attack like Qurupecco's flint fire or Royal Ludroth's water bubbles. Balancing all these needs is extremely important for the successful hunter. Happy Hunting!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Better Know a Monster: Qurupeco
The Qurupeco is the second boss-monster hunter's will come across in their adventure. He's a considerable step up from the Great Jaggi, but a relatively tight attack range makes his attacks easy to dodge.
The quirk is, that he can imitate the calls of other monsters and bring them too his aid. Wailing on him a little too hard? Oh don't worry, he'll call in a Great Jaggi, and now you are faced with not one but TWO boss monsters. Qurupeco doesn't like the way you are eyeing him? He'll call in a gigantic Rathian to rip your face off! Interrupting these calls and/or driving away the monsters they attract (with dung-bombs) is essential to victory. If you see your foe stand tall and start to bellow, hit him hard with a charge attack in the throat or head if you can, or throw in a sonic bomb to stop the call and momentarily stun him.
Knowing these things will bring you a long way toward victory, but the Qurupeco isn't really a lightweight. He'll charge toward you and bowl you over, biting downward. If you get too close he'll spin around and send you flying with his tail. Sometimes he'll hover just above the ground and spit wads of goo at you (get right in his face to avoid the spit and use a high-reaching attack).
In his most lethal attack, he jumps at you, banging the flints on his arms together and creating a fireball. Get caught by this one, and you will go flying and be set a-flame. Most of the time he claps his flints together twice before using this move so watch for the tell, and dodge or run at right angles to the direction he is jumping to escape. He'll usually attack three times with this so keep dodging. You can block, but even with the lance's shield, the attack takes some life away.
Focus your attacks on his throat or head using vertical slashes to take him down the quickest. A dull weapon will bounce off his wings or tail. Make sure to throw a paint pellet on him, as he'll fly to a new area when he feels he's getting beat. This makes him much easier to track down. Keep following, interrupt his calls, focus on his head and throat and you'll have him down in no time
The Qurupeco is the second boss-monster hunter's will come across in their adventure. He's a considerable step up from the Great Jaggi, but a relatively tight attack range makes his attacks easy to dodge.
The quirk is, that he can imitate the calls of other monsters and bring them too his aid. Wailing on him a little too hard? Oh don't worry, he'll call in a Great Jaggi, and now you are faced with not one but TWO boss monsters. Qurupeco doesn't like the way you are eyeing him? He'll call in a gigantic Rathian to rip your face off! Interrupting these calls and/or driving away the monsters they attract (with dung-bombs) is essential to victory. If you see your foe stand tall and start to bellow, hit him hard with a charge attack in the throat or head if you can, or throw in a sonic bomb to stop the call and momentarily stun him.
Knowing these things will bring you a long way toward victory, but the Qurupeco isn't really a lightweight. He'll charge toward you and bowl you over, biting downward. If you get too close he'll spin around and send you flying with his tail. Sometimes he'll hover just above the ground and spit wads of goo at you (get right in his face to avoid the spit and use a high-reaching attack).
In his most lethal attack, he jumps at you, banging the flints on his arms together and creating a fireball. Get caught by this one, and you will go flying and be set a-flame. Most of the time he claps his flints together twice before using this move so watch for the tell, and dodge or run at right angles to the direction he is jumping to escape. He'll usually attack three times with this so keep dodging. You can block, but even with the lance's shield, the attack takes some life away.
Focus your attacks on his throat or head using vertical slashes to take him down the quickest. A dull weapon will bounce off his wings or tail. Make sure to throw a paint pellet on him, as he'll fly to a new area when he feels he's getting beat. This makes him much easier to track down. Keep following, interrupt his calls, focus on his head and throat and you'll have him down in no time
great jaggi,
how to,
Monster Hunter Tri,
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Better Know a Monster: The Great Jaggi
Zanzibar and I have already created guides for each of the weapons you will find in Monster Hunter Tri. Along those same lines we thought it might be a good idea to feature the boss monsters that you will encounter in the game. Knowing each monster's behaviors and weaknesses is essential to victory. So first up: The Great Jaggi Guide
The Great Jaggi is the first boss monster you will encounter. No doubt many of you have moved well past this foe and killing him is quite easy. But for the rest of you starting out with base level weapons and armor the Jaggi is a formidable opponent.
When he first spots you he will run towards you. Don't hesitate to attack as it usually takes him a few seconds to start biting and ramming. If you see him scratch at the ground, that's your chance as he's gearing up to roar at you which gives you an opening to land several good hits. He will also stand on his hind legs and call for help. Take advantage of this window to attack attack attack.
The Great Jaggi's main attacks are a sideways bite, a tail whip, and a hip-check that will send you flying across the screen. His bite and whip can be blocked but his tail will often reach around your defense, so I suggest rolling out of the way and counter attacking. The Jaggi will turn sideways and leap at you for his hip-check. Block this if possible and get in a few swipes of your weapon. He usually does each of his moves twice or three times in a row. So, if he's just tail swiped, WATCH OUT, another one is coming.
One of the things that makes this foe difficult is all his tiny Jaggi-lackeys. Although they don't do much damage, they will routinely interrupt your swings and occasionally knock you down. Use a horizontal weapon swipe (with the GS, Lance, Longsword, or SA) or a Hammer spinning attack to clear the area every now and again. Pellet ammo is recommended with the Bowgun for this task
The Great Jaggi takes pretty equal damage most everywhere on his body except his head which is the most sensitive. So strike where ever you can but aim for the head. With careful dodging and counter attacking you'll have him down in no time. Good luck!
Zanzibar and I have already created guides for each of the weapons you will find in Monster Hunter Tri. Along those same lines we thought it might be a good idea to feature the boss monsters that you will encounter in the game. Knowing each monster's behaviors and weaknesses is essential to victory. So first up: The Great Jaggi Guide
The Great Jaggi is the first boss monster you will encounter. No doubt many of you have moved well past this foe and killing him is quite easy. But for the rest of you starting out with base level weapons and armor the Jaggi is a formidable opponent.
When he first spots you he will run towards you. Don't hesitate to attack as it usually takes him a few seconds to start biting and ramming. If you see him scratch at the ground, that's your chance as he's gearing up to roar at you which gives you an opening to land several good hits. He will also stand on his hind legs and call for help. Take advantage of this window to attack attack attack.
The Great Jaggi's main attacks are a sideways bite, a tail whip, and a hip-check that will send you flying across the screen. His bite and whip can be blocked but his tail will often reach around your defense, so I suggest rolling out of the way and counter attacking. The Jaggi will turn sideways and leap at you for his hip-check. Block this if possible and get in a few swipes of your weapon. He usually does each of his moves twice or three times in a row. So, if he's just tail swiped, WATCH OUT, another one is coming.
One of the things that makes this foe difficult is all his tiny Jaggi-lackeys. Although they don't do much damage, they will routinely interrupt your swings and occasionally knock you down. Use a horizontal weapon swipe (with the GS, Lance, Longsword, or SA) or a Hammer spinning attack to clear the area every now and again. Pellet ammo is recommended with the Bowgun for this task
The Great Jaggi takes pretty equal damage most everywhere on his body except his head which is the most sensitive. So strike where ever you can but aim for the head. With careful dodging and counter attacking you'll have him down in no time. Good luck!
great jaggi,
how to,
Monster Hunter,
Monster Hunter Tri,
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