Sunday, May 2, 2010

Better Know a Monster: The Great Jaggi


Zanzibar and I have already created guides for each of the weapons you will find in Monster Hunter Tri. Along those same lines we thought it might be a good idea to feature the boss monsters that you will encounter in the game. Knowing each monster's behaviors and weaknesses is essential to victory. So first up: The Great Jaggi Guide

The Great Jaggi is the first boss monster you will encounter. No doubt many of you have moved well past this foe and killing him is quite easy. But for the rest of you starting out with base level weapons and armor the Jaggi is a formidable opponent.

When he first spots you he will run towards you. Don't hesitate to attack as it usually takes him a few seconds to start biting and ramming. If you see him scratch at the ground, that's your chance as he's gearing up to roar at you which gives you an opening to land several good hits. He will also stand on his hind legs and call for help. Take advantage of this window to attack attack attack.

The Great Jaggi's main attacks are a sideways bite, a tail whip, and a hip-check that will send you flying across the screen. His bite and whip can be blocked but his tail will often reach around your defense, so I suggest rolling out of the way and counter attacking. The Jaggi will turn sideways and leap at you for his hip-check. Block this if possible and get in a few swipes of your weapon. He usually does each of his moves twice or three times in a row. So, if he's just tail swiped, WATCH OUT, another one is coming.

One of the things that makes this foe difficult is all his tiny Jaggi-lackeys. Although they don't do much damage, they will routinely interrupt your swings and occasionally knock you down. Use a horizontal weapon swipe (with the GS, Lance, Longsword, or SA) or a Hammer spinning attack to clear the area every now and again. Pellet ammo is recommended with the Bowgun for this task

The Great Jaggi takes pretty equal damage most everywhere on his body except his head which is the most sensitive. So strike where ever you can but aim for the head. With careful dodging and counter attacking you'll have him down in no time. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. i have a few things to add
    1.if your going at the great jaggi for the first time you will want either a very fast weapon like the s&s or upgrade your hammer (great sword is very common and power full however i don't suggest using it until you get it to at least 300-450 attack) you will want to watch its movements closely remember this is just the start of your hunting career and the great jaggi is the easiest to observe.
    as for its attacks i would like to add that its tail swipes are 2 in a row or 3 if its mad(steam will come from its head) its hip-checks are 1 once every......oh id say 7 attacks or so depending on your weapon unless its mad then its liable to come one after another in which case i suggest running
    its bites will be twice in a row in quick succession (normally)
    it has two calls iv observed
    when it howls its giving attack orders
    when it kinda goes uunn uunn uunn uunn its calling more jaggi those are opportunity's to attack

    i hope this helps and if you want my help online my user name is will and im the leader of the barroth bandits
