Thursday, March 4, 2010

Demo Discs Come Early for Some!


Demo discs of Monster Hunter Tri are being distributed at some Gamestop locations early! Accounts of demo disc being early rather than the scheduled release date of March 8th, began popping up on video game forums and blogs. Obviously anxious for a chance to try my hands a being a Monster Hunter well before the game release date of April 20th, I decided to stop by one of my local Gamestop locations on my way home from work.

Lo and behold, a demo disc free for the taking! I asked the guy at the counter if any of the demo discs for the new Monster Hunter 3 game were available. He informed me that demo discs are only available for people who pre-order the game from Gamestop. THIS IS FALSE!!! A rampant misconception since Capcom first released word about the demo discs. They are free to all!

I informed the guy working the counter that I had looked it up and that the demo discs were free to anyone regardless of whether or not they pre-ordered the game. He was very polite, went over and read something on the back of the box-display containing the discs, said "Sorry, I was mistaken" and handed me a copy. I thanked him and left the store.

The first thing I did was call up ZANZIBAR and let him know. The second was to drive home and plug in the game. Stay tuned for impressions of the demo!

UPDATE: I spoke with ZANZIBAR who tried obtaining a copy of the demo disc from his local Gamestop with no luck. So it seems for the moment that some stores have it and some don't. It's up to you whether the possibility of an early demo is worth the trip.


  1. Total bummer about not being able to pick up a disc. I think calling around town is in order until a demo is located.

  2. That's what I'm doing tomorrow.
